A Tale of Two Pecan Pies (pssst, it ain't purty)
As the saying goes, if you can’t stand defeat, get out of the kitchen. Or something like that. A healthy dose of humor comes in handy at times like this: Two orders. Two pecan pies. One regular. The other vegan. Very very similar ingredients. One obviously held its shape well. The other, like a recalcitrant twin, just surged all over the place in the oven. I have no idea why, although I suspect the volcanic properties of my egg substitute. Not really much else it could be. I wanted to post this story for several reasons. First and foremost, we are all so accustomed to seeing just beautifully turned-out dishes online, and yet we all need shit happens in the kitchen from time to time. Might as well own it. Secondly, I am pretty damn sure that my ugly vegan version doesn’t taste one twit worse than its buttoned-up bro. Need to do a blind taste taste here to really shore up that hypothesis, but I’m still sticking to the story. And finally — because litanies must come in threes — why the hell doesn’t anyone here order my rhubarb and cherry pie, which kicks ass, rather than the rather predictable pecan? I had to ask.
It’s a family affair …