Sourdough Bread
Today's story is about bread. Sourdough bread. I even got ambitious enough to attempt a 5-minute video, though who the hell knows if I will be successful uploading it or not. No matter. A few quick things about bread. Savannah Georgia back in the day had some pretty good places to eat. But bread? Wonderbread only. So we never ate bread growing up. And then came Arnold's multigrain breads. And because mom was a a health fanatic from way back, that's what she bought. And so we really never ate bread, stuck between this pasty white shit and cardboard. So, suffice it to say that eating bread at home, then making it, then making sourdough has been a LONG journey. Turns out this shit is really good. We make it for us probably 2 or 3 times a week. I keep a tub of sourdough starter in the refrigerator all the time, since the time consuming part is setting up the starter (5 days). And making the bread itself takes 3-5 days. But it' is definitely worth waiting for. Hell, I've waited over 50 years for this.